Monday, May 12, 2008

We are the Champions

We are the Champions my friends, that is what I hear from the democratic candidates and I agree with them. Two landmark candidates are STILL vying for the democratic nomination for President and each is a champion. I have mentioned before that I am a Hillary supporter and think that, for many reasons, she would make a better President right now. That does not mean that I don't think Barack Obama would make as good of a President several years from now. With that said, I think it is time for Hillary to write her concession speech to have it ready. If Hillary can not show a major win that starts narrowing the gap between her and Barack she needs to start thinking about the party.

I believe that Hillary knows that she would be an exceptional President at a time when it needs one. The problem is risk assessment. Unless she can make it a legitimate contest, where it is almost neck and neck, she has to start thinking about the damage to the party, and Barack. It is not that I think that any negative that the Clinton campaign brings up about Barack is a bad thing. Actually I would rather have it out now so there are no surprises later. It is that the campaign needs to start focusing on McCain. Every week and every dollar is important.

Back to why I like Hillary over Barack. One reason is that even with the "bad blood" between them if Hillary won I, and most political analysts, would be surprised if Hillary did not ask Barack to be her running mate. Most people would agree that if it was the other way around we would be surprised if Barack ask Hillary. I wish it would happen for the good of the party and the good of the nation.

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